Nobody is going to email you about a true emergency ( a death in the family, etc.), so leave your email alone for the first few hours of each day. 没有人会发邮件通知你紧急事件(比如说家人去世等等),所以每天早上的几个小时还是不要查邮件了。
Co-ordinated emergency loans with dubious soothing effects hit the front lines, but they leave national monetary policies out of the equation. 协同进行的紧急贷款正抵达前线(其纾困效果尚值得疑虑),但它们会让各国的货币政策出现失衡。
Foster said that once the imminent monsoon is over, Britain will only fund lifesaving emergency interventions in the camps which he described as closed as their inhabitants cannot freely leave. 他表示,这些营地是封闭式的,居民不能自由离开。斯里兰卡政府称其已在营地内安装了足够的排水设施,足以避免任何洪涝灾害。
Employee who has the emergency treatment that can not demand the leave in advance, can compensate leave on proof of the hospital certificate. 员工患急诊无法事先办理请假事宜,可在就诊后凭医院证明补办请假手续。
In emergency, is the ship able to leave the berth at any time? 紧急情况下船舶是否可以随时离开码头?
Another project manager has a family emergency and must leave. 另一个项目经理因为家有急事必须离开。
Results All 8 cases were success in anesthesia, among other 6 cases convalescent, 2 cases of emergency liver transplantation died after operation and 1 case died after leave hospital. 结果围麻醉期8例成功,康复出院6例,术后死亡2例(抢救性肝移植),出院后死亡1例(肝癌复发)。